Come and be fed…

At St. Stephen’s, visitors and newcomers are an important and welcomed part of our community. Whoever you are, wherever you find yourself on life’s journey, whatever questions dwell in your heart, you are welcome here. Whatever your race, class, sexuality, beliefs, or talents, we hope that you join us in the radical hospitality of God’s table.

Sunday Morning In-Person

Join us Sunday mornings at 8 am for our contemplative service in the Chapel or at 10 am for our Eucharistic service with music.

Sunday Morning Livestream

Can't make it to St. Stephen's this Sunday? Join us online at 10 am as we lift our voices in song and prayer together.

Mid-Week Morning Prayer

Join us every Tuesday & Thursday at 8 am on Zoom for morning prayer and start your day centered and spiritually energized.

Upcoming Events….