
Children are a part of our community and a part of our worship. You may hear children making noise during the service or notice parents stepping in and out of our sanctuary as they tend to our youngest members. We are blessed by the presence of our families. There is a rocking chair in the sanctuary that you are welcome use. If your little one likes to color or read, there are crayons and books available. We have toys and a changing table in the parish house.

Integrated Family Ministry (Second Sundays)

Second Sunday of each month our 10AM service will be devoted to family ministry. There will be a story sermon, activities/crafts after church, and lots of opportunities to be involved with worship at the level that you are comfortable. These Sundays will be especially devoted to flexibility, joy and celebrating our relationship with family, friends, and Jesus.

For our kids and teens (age 4+) : I would love to invite you to join me as a worship assistant. This could look like carrying the cross, helping me set the altar for Communion, reading scripture, helping the ushers collect/bring up the offering, even ringing the bell! We will help each kid learn the ropes and practice so that they can feel confident helping out.

If you would like to participate in worship on a Second Sunday, please let Rev Erin know what Sundays you are present this fall and what you would like to help with!


Young adulthood can be a fun and exciting time in life. We begin to explore our own identities and our own faith in new ways for the first time. We support our middle school and high school youth by partnering with neighbor Episcopal churches to explore together our faith journey.