Nursery Care
Nursery Care
We offer Nursery Care during the 10am service on the FOURTH SUNDAY of each month. Our lead nursery care attendant is safe church trained. We always have two people in the room with the children.
We offer Nursery Care during the 10am service on the FOURTH SUNDAY of each month. Our lead nursery care attendant is safe church trained. We always have two people in the room with the children.
The Second Sunday of each month our 10AM service is devoted to family ministry, and suitable to fall ages, especially young children. There is a story sermon, activities/crafts after church, and lots of opportunities to be involved with worship at the level that you are comfortable. These Sundays will be especially devoted to joy and celebrating our […]
Ashes-to-Go available from 12-1pm - drive thru in parking lot Ash Wednesday Worship Service at 5:30pm.
Lenten Series: End of Life Planning as Spiritual Practice: Zoom each Saturday during Lent, from 9:30-10:45am Click here for more details & zoom link Series Schedule. You are welcome to join for one, a few, or all 2/17 -- “Five Wishes.” How to Start the Conversation w/ Susan Carpenter 2/24 -- Living Wills & Advance […]
Lenten Series: End of Life Planning as Spiritual Practice: Zoom each Saturday during Lent, from 9:30-10:45am Click here for more details & zoom link Series Schedule. You are welcome to join for one, a few, or all 2/17 -- “Five Wishes.” How to Start the Conversation w/ Susan Carpenter 2/24 -- Living Wills & Advance […]
We offer Nursery Care during the 10am service on the FOURTH SUNDAY of each month. Our lead nursery care attendant is safe church trained. We always have two people in the room with the children.